最近,中国客运协会在2月发布了汽车销售的数据。 to , the in fell , with a sales of 116.90,000 , a year-on-year of 19%, and a month-on-month .最多4 5. 9%!这是什么样的概念,相当于1月份的三个主要模型的销售额的近一半!
其中,上汽通用五菱最为明显,跌幅接近一半;即使是日本汽车公司也受到本月汽车市场环境的影响,同比同比下降。但是,在这种下降的情况下,奢侈品牌的表现仍然非常令人满意,尤其是宝马的光彩。 Benz's in , BMW this month has on a year-on-year of 10.2% and The data of 34,701 No. 14 on the list, and the rally was .
In the sedan , the sales of this month was only 57.60,000 units, a year-on-year of 15.5% and a month-on-month减少4 6. 2%。
名单上的最高点仍然是大众,每月销售近30,000辆,落后于的3,000多个单位。从捷达(Jetta)到卡罗拉(),艾格兰德(),桑塔纳(),这些产品的同比下降;值得注意的是,艾格兰德()本月返回销售名单中的前十名,排名第五,可以说这是很高的排名。 . Roewe i5本月表现也很好。 As a new model that has been on the for less than half a year, it has been able to sell more than 10,000 units for .购买一切都很好!
SUV的整体销售额也下降了近一半,下降了4 6. 3%的月份,累计销售额为5 0. 40,000单位。
最直观的反射可以从模型的销量中获得。 HAVAL H在6月份仅售出24,537辆,但仍然占据了销售名单的顶部,并且 510的差距超过10,000辆,这显然具有优势。 品牌的三种型号的性能非常引人注目。 CS35/CS55/CS75的销售额超过10,000,增长率稳定。 Geely is on the list, and the sales are less than 10,000, it is very rare for a new car that has been on the soon, in an , it can still like this. The most is the -Benz GLC, which was on the SUV best- list for the first time this month, 14th on the list with 7,788 units.
MPV had the worst this month, with sales of less than 100,000 units, and more than half of the on the list had sales .
has a drop of 38.1% with the past, 730 and BYD Song MAX have the most , both 60%;别克GL6是列表中最令人眼花ant乱的存在二月汽车销量排行榜2022,同比增长1 2. 7%; Chase G50 and were able to make the list soon after they were , which is to prove how much love them.
2月二月汽车销量排行榜2022,汽车市场的销量大大下降。实际上,最重要的原因是它与春节相吻合,春节影响了汽车的销售。 , after the , the sales of the auto , which does not mean that the cold in 2018 will .大型汽车公司的大片模型是否可以改变趋势取决于现在!